The 3 Biggest Financial Fears of Investors Around the World in 2023

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Fearful man
WAYHOME studio /

Each of us has our own individual money worries. It is unlikely that someone with a six-figure salary frets over the same pocketbook issues as a worker who is barely living paycheck to paycheck.

And yet, some financial fears cut across income lines, according to the 2023 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors, which polled 8,550 people in 23 countries.

Overall, investors around the world remain a remarkably optimistic bunch, with 68% sharing a positive outlook on the state of their finances.

And yet, not everything is rosy. Respondents around the world say the following fears have them concerned in 2023.

1. Higher everyday costs

Man looking at inflation
Karpova /

Investors who cited this as a key financial fear in 2023: 62%

Inflation has been a persistent worry for Americans for a couple of years now, but we are not alone in our anxiety. Nearly two-thirds of global investors fear the impact of higher prices.

If rising costs have you down, check out the “6 Genius Hacks to Beat Inflation.”

2. Large, unexpected expense

Senior woman catching water from roof leak
Pearl PhotoPix /

Investors who cited this as a key financial fear in 2023: 44%

Even in the best of times, most folks worry about an emergency expense triggering financial chaos in their lives.

The best way to prepare for such an event is to build up your savings ahead of time. To get started, discover the “9 Tips for Starting an Emergency Fund Today.”

3. Tax increase

Unhappy taxpayer
Vitaliy Abbasov /

Investors who cited this as a key financial fear in 2023: 36%

Nobody likes taxes. And yet, we all face the unpleasant reality of paying our fair share. More than one-third of investors around the world now worry that their taxes might increase.

If you hate seeing your hard-earned money go up in smoke, consider moving to one of the “8 States Cutting Property Taxes in 2023.”

Other financial fears of investors

Male patient angry at expensive healthcare bill
Elnur /

Three other financial fears that investors identified are:

  • Health care costs: 28%
  • Job security: 24%
  • Cash flow: 24%

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