New Eye Drop Is an Alternative to Reading Glasses

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If you are getting older and your eyes can’t quite focus on the words on a printed page, you might want to hold off on ordering reading glasses: A new eye drop may be all you need to restore your vision to its youthful condition.

In October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new eye drop called Vuity to treat presbyopia, also known as age-related blurry near vision. Now, it is available at pharmacies.

Allergan makes the medication, which contains 1.25% pilocarpine hydrochloride, an established treatment for age-related blurry near vision. According to a press release from AbbVie — Allergan’s parent company — Vuity delivers pilocarpine with proprietary technology called pHast.

As a result of this delivery method, Vuity quickly adjusts to the physiologic pH of the eye’s tear film and uses the eye’s own ability to reduce pupil size, “improving near and intermediate vision while maintaining distance vision,” AbbVie says.

Vuity is used once a day.

Presbyopia affects 128 million Americans, which is nearly half of the U.S. adult population. It typically begins around age 40 and is a result of a hardening of the eye’s clear lens that prevents it from changing shape easily, which makes it more difficult to focus on near objects.

Traditionally, most people have used reading glasses to address the condition. Vuity is the first and only FDA-approved eye drop to treat presbyopia, according to AbbVie.

If you are interested in the new medication, first consult with an ophthalmologist or optometrist who can diagnose you with the condition.

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