5 Public Figures That Americans Adore — and 6 They Really Don’t

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Vladimir Putin
Harold Escalona / Shutterstock.com

Public figures need thick skin: While they inspire love among some people, others view them with distaste.

Gallup surveyed Americans about 15 public figures in the news in late 2023. The polling firm asked respondents to report their opinion about each of these public figures: favorable, unfavorable or no opinion.

Based on those responses, here are the public figures with the most favorable ratings — followed by those with the fewest favorable ratings. They are listed in the same order as Gallup ranked them, which is based on each person’s “favorable” percentage.

5. John Roberts

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
Rob Crandall / Shutterstock.com

Title: Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 43%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 27%

The Supreme Court is often in the headlines for reaching decisions that many find controversial. But Chief Justice John Roberts apparently rises above the fray.

4. King Charles III

King Charles of England
Simon Ward Photography / Shutterstock.com

Title: King of England

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 46%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 17%

England’s new king is riding a tide of goodwill across the pond in America.

The former prince of Wales ascended to the throne after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on Sept. 8, 2022.

3. Jill Biden

First Lady Jill Biden
Spike Johnson / Shutterstock.com

Title: First lady of the United States

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 49%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 13%

Not only is First Lady Jill Biden the most admired U.S. public figure among Americans, but she also is more popular than her husband, President Joe Biden.

Both the current president and the last president — Donald Trump — earned favorable ratings from 41% of the Gallup poll respondents.

2. Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine
Dmytro Larin / Shutterstock.com

Title: President of Ukraine

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 57%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 14%

When Russia invaded Ukraine in early 2022, most observers expected the Ukrainians to quickly succumb. But the courage of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in resisting the Russian military advance inspired his nation and earned him the admiration of millions of people around the globe.

1. Prince William

Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com

Title: Prince of Wales

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 59%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 18%

Prince William’s brother — Prince Harry — has become a polarizing figure since he and his wife, American actress turned Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, stepped back as senior members of the Royal Family in 2020.

On the other hand, Prince William continues to dutifully serve England’s royal family. That likely is the reason that Americans have the most favorable opinion of him among all 15 public figures included in Gallup’s poll.

The least-favored newsworthy public figures

Woman giving both thumbs up and thumbs down
Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.com

Here are the public figures of whom the fewest people have a favorable opinion, which include a couple of ties.

Again, they are listed in the same order as Gallup ranked them, which is based on each person’s “favorable” percentage.

5. Kevin McCarthy (tie)

Kevin McCarthy
Consolidated News Photos / Shutterstock.com

Title: Former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 37%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 19%

As you will see next, politicians in both parties inspire a lot of negative sentiment — and Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California is no exception.

Even some members of his own party have misgivings about McCarthy: Nearly two dozen Republicans famously opposed his bid for speaker of the House in early 2023. He was ultimately ousted by his own party in October, and retired from the House at the end of 2023.

5. Ron DeSantis (tie)

Hunter Crenian / Shutterstock.com

Title: Governor of Florida

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 37%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 15%

Gov. Ron DeSantis is currently running for president, but he has been a target of anger for some controversial decisions in Florida.

Perhaps the biggest source of ire among Gallup survey respondents was his decision to sign Parental Rights in Education legislation, which critics have labeled as “don’t say gay.”

4. Mike Pence

Mike Pence
mark reinstein / Shutterstock.com

Title: Former vice president of the United States

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 35%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 13%

Former Vice President Mike Pence served under uber-controversial President Donald Trump. That fact alone likely makes Pence a target of disapproval in the eyes of some.

Like DeSantis, Pence also ran for president in 2024, but suspended his campaign in late 2023.

2. Hakeem Jeffries (tie)

Hakeem Jeffries, U.S. House of Representatives minority leader
lev radin / Shutterstock.com

Title: Minority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 31%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 37%

When you lead your political party into battle — whether you are a Republican like McCarthy or a Democrat like Jeffries — you are sure to have around one-half of the country eyeing you suspiciously. That fact probably accounts for why the U.S. representative for New York appears on this list.

2. Merrick Garland (tie)

Office of the Attorney General in Washington, DC.
Heidi Besen / Shutterstock.com

Title: Attorney general of the United States

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 31%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 35%

One would not expect the attorney general of the United States to engender such hostility among a segment of Americans. But some voters feel the U.S. Department of Justice has become politicized, and judging from the Gallup poll results, that likely has made them suspicious of Garland.

1. Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin
Photographer RM / Shutterstock.com

Title: President of Russia

Respondents who said they have a favorable opinion of this person: 5%

Respondents who said they have never heard of, or have no opinion on, this person: 5%

It is difficult to imagine anyone being surprised to see Vladimir Putin topping this list. In the eyes of millions of Americans, Putin is the Darth Vader of the modern world. The Russian leader’s decision to invade Ukraine earned him the instant — and likely, lasting — enmity of people around the world.

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