10 Reasons to Job Search, Even If You Love Your Current Job

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LightField Studios / Shutterstock.com

Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on FlexJobs.com.

You enjoy your boss, your pay is fair, and your work is engaging. There’s really nothing that would push you to launch a job search.

It’s inviting to settle in and enjoy your job, but you may want to consider putting yourself back on the market.

At first glance, that might not seem like the logical next step. Why would you look for a new job if you love your current role?

But when considering your career development at a high level, there are a few reasons you should consider launching a job search while still enjoying your current role.

1. Refuse To Settle

Thoughtful home worker
1463229359 / Shutterstock.com

Having a job you already love allows you to search more objectively and selectively to find a position that truly fits you. You might be desperate to leave when you don’t love your current job.

But those feelings could cause you to settle for a job that isn’t a great fit, and that is usually a poor choice in the long run.

Instead, maintaining a job that you already enjoy allows you to approach your job search more thoughtfully. You’ll focus on finding a position that delights you even more than the one you already have.

2. Alleviate the Pressure

Job interview
ESB Essentials / Shutterstock.com

Looking for another job that checks all of your boxes can be challenging, especially when you’re pressured to find one quickly.

But taking your time to search for the perfect job and being able to pick and choose which jobs to apply for can be an excellent opportunity to slow down and dive deep into the process.

You can invest more time in thoroughly researching potential employers and job opportunities.

With more time to take a strategic approach to your job search, you’ll increase your chances of standing out from the competition and impressing the hiring manager.

3. Stay Up to Date

You may be asked to take on an example project - or take some tests - when you apply for a new job.
By Jacob Lund / Shutterstock.com

Time flies, and a job you thought you would only be in for a year can turn into two or three years. Looking for a job while you love the one you have can give you some insight into the current job market and help you assess what types of jobs are out there.

You can explore new skills, education, and experience employers and recruiters are looking for right now. That will give you room to update your skills without feeling a time crunch.

4. Position Yourself for Negotiations

Man filing his taxes
Ground Picture / Shutterstock.com

Salary is a significant factor in determining whether a job offer will fit your needs. Being employed can give you an upper hand in salary negotiations, as you’ll already know what other employers are paying and you’ll know your worth.

Since you’re employed, you have nothing to lose by asking for a higher salary or better benefits.

Hiring managers who know you’re comfortably employed may be more likely to offer you a better compensation package to entice you away from your current role.

5. Fine-Tune Your Job Search Skills

Remote worker on phone and laptop
Syda Productions / Shutterstock.com

Job searching takes some finesse and a unique set of skills.

If you’ve been out of the job market for a while, your skills and materials likely need a refresh. Searching for a new job while still employed can help you iron out any kinks.

You’ll have an updated resume and a refreshed LinkedIn profile, and you’ll flex your interviewing muscles.

All of this will pay off if you suddenly need to launch an urgent job search.

6. Grow Your Network

When passion connects with skills and experience, you're set for your best chance of being effective in a new job.
By tsyhun / Shutterstock.com

In today’s competitive job market, having a solid professional network can be a significant asset in your job search. As you search, you’ll be building a robust network of contacts.

As your career grows, you can tap into that wealth of knowledge and resources to connect with more potential employers and job opportunities.

7. Future-Proof Your Career

Happy woman working her job from a desk
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

Sure, you love the job you currently have. But what if the company suddenly downsizes, and you lose your position?

That’s where doing some investigative job searching can put you ahead of the competition. You might have already done some interviews and established new connections that could lead you back to employment sooner.

Not to mention, there are constantly evolving technologies upsetting different industries.

As you’re searching and keeping tabs on the skills you need, you can diversify your certification and knowledge to help future-proof your career.

8. Explore Passion Projects

Two women laughing while at work
ProStockStudio / Shutterstock.com

There’s a lot that you love about your job. But if you analyze your passions and interests, are there areas you’d secretly love to be supporting?

You may have a passion for animals or nature, for example.

Taking the opportunity to job search while you’re still employed can allow you to explore a job that aligns more closely with your passions and interests.

9. Secure Better Compensation

Woman thinking about her job and what to spend money on holding cash
Mix and Match Studio / Shutterstock.com

You’ve been with your employer for a while and feel like your job pays you well. But does it pay you what you’re worth now that you’ve grown your experience?

You’ve gained new skills in the time you’ve been at your current employer. Does your current salary and benefits package reflect your actual market value?

Taking a proactive approach can leave you in a healthier position to talk with your current employer during performance reviews.

But also, you might be pleasantly surprised to discover what other employers are willing to offer you.

10. Discover a Better Work-Life Balance

Happy family standing in front of house
4 PM production / Shutterstock.com

If you could design your dream job, what would it look like? Would you have a flexible schedule or a compressed workweek? Would you enjoy a fully remote or a hybrid remote role?

Now that you’ve had time to settle into the industry, you should understand how you can define your own work-life balance rules to fit your needs.

Not to mention, your life might have changed in the years since you were hired. You may have a family now. Maybe you’re pursuing a degree. Perhaps you long to travel.

All of those desires factor into how you blend your work life with your personal life.

Finding Your New Dream While You’re Still Happy

Happy female customer shopping online with laptop pleased with order
fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Job searching is rarely considered a fun activity. But rather than looking at it as drudgery, consider making it a routine part of your career upkeep.

Schedule time to network, update your resume, and investigate new job postings. As you find some that are interesting, dive into research and submit your application.

You don’t need to invest all of your energy into a job search while you’re happily employed, but there are many reasons it’s a good idea to continue job searching regardless of your employment status.

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