Homeowners Beware: 15 U.S. Cities That Are Crawling With Termites

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Tented house being treated for termites
Chuck Wagner / Shutterstock.com

Are there creepy crawlers living in your walls? Hopefully they aren’t termites. Those pests can cause severe damage to your home.

Residents in some cities are more at risk than others.

The latest annual ranking of the most termite-infested cities from Orkin is based on the pest control company’s treatment data for both residential and commercial buildings.

Louisville, Kentucky, managed to jump up 34 spots on Orkin’s list since the previous year. But that dramatic jump didn’t place it even close to the top 15 most infested cities. The following areas, however, did make the list, so homeowners might want to be extra vigilant about monitoring for termite infestations.

1. Miami

Miami, Florida homes
Blue Rhino Media / Shutterstock.com

How this city ranks for termite treatments as of:

  • 2024: No. 1
  • 2023: Same

The Formosan subterranean termite has spread through Florida during the last four decades and has led to an increase in the risk of termite damage across Florida’s major cities. The Asian subterranean termite was first detected in the late 1990s and has since spread to southeast Florida cities, including Riviera Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Key West.

Miami has the trifecta of termites (West Indian drywood termites, Formosan subterranean termites and Asian subterranean termites), but the Asian subterranean termite species is most present in the area.

2. Los Angeles

Los Angeles neighborhood in San Fernando Valley
trekandshoot / Shutterstock.com

How this city ranks for termite treatments as of:

  • 2024: No. 2
  • 2023: Same

According to Orkin, “termites are very active and widespread” in California. The pest control business explains that 90% of the state lives in a “heavy to moderate” Termite Infestation Probability Zone.

The most common species in the area are subterranean, drywood and dampwood termites. However, dampwood termites are less likely to cause damage to a home.

3. Tampa, Florida

Tampa, Florida home
picturin / Shutterstock.com

How this city ranks for termite treatments as of:

  • 2024: No. 3
  • 2023: Same

Until March 2023, Tampa was home to only two species of termites: the Formosan subterranean termite and the drywood termite.

According to the University of Florida, in 2023, Tampa became the northernmost location for Asian subterranean termites in Florida. Researchers warn that means cities on the state’s Gulf coast and south of Tampa are at an increased risk of infestation as well — that is, if there isn’t already an undetected infestation in the area.

4. New York City

New York Skyline
THONGCHAI.S / Shutterstock.com

How this city ranks for termite treatments as of:

  • 2024: No. 4
  • 2023: No. 9

Eastern subterranean termites are the most common species in New York City. These termites thrive in dark and moist environments. They tend to swarm after a warm, rainy day or during the winter in heated buildings. This species swarms the most from March to May during the daytime.

Orkin says, “In states like New York where termites are active and widespread, it is essential to maintain an effective termite prevention and control program.” The best way to do that is to talk to a termite prevention expert.

5. Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.
Christian Hinkle / Shutterstock.com

How this city ranks for termite treatments as of:

  • 2024: No. 5
  • 2023: No. 4

The subterranean termites in Washington, D.C., are most active from early spring to late fall. They thrive in warmth and moisture, and if conditions are perfect for them, these termites will wreak havoc year-round.

The rest of the top 15

Homes in Philadelphia
Olga V Kulakova / Shutterstock.com

These cities also made the top ranks:

6. Philadelphia (moved up 10 spots since 2023)

7. Atlanta (moved down one spot since 2023)

8. Orlando, Florida (moved up two spots since 2023)

9. West Palm Beach, Florida (moved up six spots since 2023)

10. San Francisco (moved down two spots since 2023)

11. San Diego (ranked the same as in 2023)

12. Chicago (moved up one spot since 2023)

13. Raleigh, North Carolina (moved down eight spots since 2023)

14. Baltimore (moved up three spots since 2023)

15. Norfolk, Virginia (moved down eight spots since 2023)

To see all of the top 50 states, visit Orkin’s website.

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