9 of the Best Board Games to Play With Children

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A family playing a game
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on Living on the Cheap.

If you’re stuck inside by the weather, or just running out of things to do during school vacations, family game nights are a great way to spend time together without spending lots of money.

Pull out your games for post-dinner entertainment or when the weather is too cold or too hot to go outside.

Here’s our guide to find the best family games for any age or budget. (Games that we categorize as “splurge” are $25 and up.)

First are games for families with preschoolers.

1. Best Game Under $15: Yahtzee Jr.

Morten Normann Almeland / Shutterstock.com

You don’t need to play original Yahtzee to enjoy the kids version of the popular dice game. Available in several licensed character themes, Yahtzee Jr. is simple enough for a 3-year-old to learn but entertaining enough to hold an adult’s attention.

Players roll pictured dice and earn points for rolling the same character multiple times. The game teaches matching, counting, and simple strategy.

2. Best Free Game: Plunge

father lying on the floor at home playing with young son
fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Preschoolers can’t get enough of this game that requires one adult and one or more children.

The adult writes a secret word on a slip of paper and lies down with back on the floor and knees bent. The child sits on the adult’s knees, facing the adult and holding the adult’s hands.

The adult asks questions with one-word responses, such as “What’s your name?,” “What town do you live in?” and “How many pets do you have?”

The child answers each question until speaking the secret word, whereupon the adult tips his or her knees and the child “plunges” to the ground (while still holding the adult’s hands for safety).

Kids love the suspense, and they get some reading practice verifying the secret word written on the adult’s paper.

3. Best Game Splurge: Roll and Play

Colorful plush cube toy
Fnsy / Shutterstock.com

With this game, players roll a big plush cube, select a card with the matching color and act out the activity shown — “Make a happy face,” “Roar like a lion.”

Even very young children can play and learn about colors, numbers and words while doing it.

Let’s move on to games for families with elementary schoolers.

4. Best Game Under $15: Uno

Uno card gam
julie deshaies / Shutterstock.com

UNO, the familiar card game where players try to get rid of their cards by matching the color or number of the card at the top of the deck, is simple, portable and fun for families of all sizes.

It’s a great game for practicing sportsmanship because it relies more on luck than skill and eventually everyone has an opportunity to win.

The more subtle aspects of sportsmanship come into play with the high-point cards like Skip and Draw 4.

5. Best Free Game: The Five W’s

Family playing together in the living room
fizkes / Shutterstock.com

This Mad Lib-style game requires five or more players who can write simple words; strips of paper at least 1 inch wide and 6 inches long; and a pen or pencil for each player. Players sit in a circle.

Each player starts with a blank strip of paper and, at the top, writes an answer to the question “Who?” For example: Mickey Mouse, Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. Olympic Team.

When all players have finished writing, they fold the tops of their papers to the back so their responses don’t show and pass their papers to the right.

On the paper now in front of them, each player writes a response to the question “What?” This can be any past-tense action, such as: ate an entire turkey, raided the piggy bank, crossed the street without looking both ways. Again, players fold their responses to the back and pass their papers to the right.

Play continues with the questions “Where?” (under the boardwalk, on top of Old Smokey), “When? “(on the twelfth day of Christmas, when the moon came over the mountain) and “Why?” (in order to form a more perfect union, because a vest has no sleeves).

On the final round, each player unfolds and reads the silly sentence the five responses have created on his or her paper.

6. Best Game Splurge: Ticket To Ride

The box for the board game Ticket to Ride
Micah Watson / Shutterstock.com

While the rules of this game are simple enough for an 8-year-old, the complexity of play depends upon players’ strategic and tactical decisions.

Players compete for points by collecting cards and building railroad routes across a board map of the United States. Your family can play this game again and again, with no two games alike, and play becomes more entertaining as players mature.

Next are games for families with middle and high schoolers.

7. Best Game Under $15: Sorry

Sorry! board game
Steve Cukrov / Shutterstock.com

A classic family board game, Sorry combines luck and strategy, which makes it easier for younger kids while remaining challenging enough for adults.

Billed as “the classic game of sweet revenge,” its object is for a player to get all of his or her playing pieces around the game board and safely into the space marked home — but the “Sorry” card, when drawn, allows other players to send them back to the very beginning.

The game is similar to an even older game, Parcheesi.

8. Best Free Game: Euchre

Playing cards deck
Ian Dikhtiar / Shutterstock.com

With hundreds of game options, a deck of cards provides countless hours of free entertainment.

Euchre is a great card game for older kids because it is commonly played, it can accommodate 2 to 7 players, and once you know the basics you can change things up with several variations and extensions.

The basic rules are available on the Bicycle Cards website. For a fun extension of Euchre, try American Five Hundred.

9. Best Game Splurge: The Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan, a popular board game.
Mitch Hutchinson / Shutterstock.com

If you have fond memories of playing The Oregon Trail computer game, Settlers of Catan is for you.

Players collect points as they settle the fictional island of Catan, trading commodities to build roads and villages. The first player to collect 10 points wins.

The game is for 2 to 4 players, but it also works with teams functioning as individual players.

LOTC tip: Look for used board games at thrift stores and garage sales, but make sure the game you’re buying has all the essential pieces.

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