Increasing Check Float Times
Increasing Check Float Times

It used to be that when you wrote a check, you had time to make a deposit to cover it, because the money wouldn’t leave your account for days. But now, thanks to modern technology and new banking regulations, that float’s gone from days to hours.

Your Credit Union On Every Corner?
Your Credit Union On Every Corner?

Credit Unions traditionally offer higher interest rates and lower fees than banks. The only problem: if you want to make a deposit or use an ATM, visiting a branch of your union might not be convenient or even possible. But, thanks to “Credit Union Sharing”, that’s all about to change.

Incorporating Your Small Business
Incorporating Your Small Business

If you own a small business, you’ve probably considered becoming a corporation. It can be a big expense, especially if you go to a lawyer. But, by doing it yourself, you can save the legal bills.

Should You Incorporate?
Should You Incorporate?

Most small business owners will face this question at sometime in their careers: Should I incorporate? If so, do I use a lawyer or a web site? INC or LLC? What, exactly, are the benefits to incorporating?

Getting Organized
Getting Organized

As the 21st century dawned the world was aglow over the Internet. The Internet was going to make the invention of things like TV, radio and personal computers pale in comparison. This technology, like the Industrial Revolution, marked a quantum leap in human productivity. It would forever connect businesses with suppliers and us with everyone … Continued

Protecting Your Savings From Inflation
Protecting Your Savings From Inflation

If you’re keeping money in the bank, you know how low rates are. And if you’ve done any food shopping lately, you know how high prices are. But what you may not have considered is what low savings rates and high inflation can do to your savings.

Understanding Financial Advisor Designations
Understanding Financial Advisor Designations

Do you know the difference between a CPA and a CFU? How about a CFP and a CFA? If you’re going to get financial advice, descrambling this alphabet soup of designations is a must.

Retirement Planning For 50-Somethings (and over)
Retirement Planning For 50-Somethings (and over)

When your in your 50’s, retirement planning is more important than ever, especially considering many retirees can expect to live well into their 90’s (some, into their 100’s). So, if you retire at age 65, you’re potentially looking at 30 or more years of retirement to pay for. That means you’d better have enough savings to cover it.

Retirement Planning For 40-Somethings
Retirement Planning For 40-Somethings

When you reach your 40s, retirement’s no longer a vague concept… it’s a reality looming in your future, and one you’d better be investing for properly. Are you?

Setting Goals
Setting Goals

Hey, let’s go for a ride! Where do you want to go? Nowhere? Ok, we’ll just drive around aimlessly and hope we accidentally end up somewhere interesting. Hop in! That’s the way most people plan their financial life. They may have a vague idea of where they want to go, but they’re not really sure … Continued

Retirement Planning For 30-Somethings
Retirement Planning For 30-Somethings

When you hit your 30’s, the focus for many is marriage, kids, and buying a home. All big life events that can cost big bucks. But no matter how much you’re shelling out in your 30’s… you can still find some money to save for retirement.

Retirement Planning For 20-Somethings
Retirement Planning For 20-Somethings

Investing for retirement in your 20’s isn’t exactly child’s play. But it’s still one thing most 20-somethings don’t think about at all, and maybe they should… By starting a retirement fund early, a 20 something wont have to contribute as much as if they started that fund in their 30s or 40s, translating into smaller payments and greater return.

Mortgage Reform Needed Badly
Mortgage Reform Needed Badly

The nation’s housing crisis is crippling our economy. So, what’s the government going to do about it? One idea is to reform the mortgage process, eliminating the ‘bad brokers’ more interested in making a commission than a responsible loan.

Reappraising Appraisers
Reappraising Appraisers

Step one in fixing our mortgage system? Remove the temptation for appraisers to inflate home appraisals, typically used to allow lenders to lend too much and borrowers to borrow too much.

Eco-Friendly Interior Design
Eco-Friendly Interior Design

When you decorate your home, you may not think about “going green” in the process… but maybe you should. These days, more interior designers say green designs not only look great, but just might make you FEEL great, too. And the best news? Its easier (and less expensive) than you might think.

How to Screw Up Your Savings
How to Screw Up Your Savings

If you’ve got a retirement plan at work, stocks, mutual funds or other types of investments, you’re already well on your way to savings-land. But, there are 5 common mistakes that will quickly steer you off track, definitely cost you money and potentially screw up your savings for good.

Selling Gold Jewelry By Mail
Selling Gold Jewelry By Mail

If you watch a lot of late night television, you’ve seen the commercials for companies like Cash4Gold, GoldPaq, or GoldKit. But is selling your gold by mail a good idea?

Housing Futures Insure Home Buys
Housing Futures Insure Home Buys

Suppose that, two years ago, you bet $10,000 in the housing futures market that the value of Miami real estate would decline. Today, you’d have made about $145,000.

Grills Gone Wild: Buying a Grill
Grills Gone Wild: Buying a Grill

July 4th is right around the corner, but if you’ve been thinking of purchasing a new grill for that holiday barbecue, you’re going to want to make sure your grill gives you everything you paid for. Just follow these simple grill buying tips, and you can’t go wrong.

Saving Money on Drugs
Saving Money on Drugs

Fact: Generic drugs can be identical to their more expensive, brand name alternatives… so why waste the extra cash? For many, a belief that “brand name” means “better” persists. But is that true? What, exactly, are we paying for?

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